2022 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing (IEEE-ICMSP 2022)
Researcher Renfu Yang

Researcher Renfu Yang


Renfu Yang

Renfu Yang is a Ph.D. and Principal Investigator (PI) of Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences. He was a Doctor of Science at the Institute of Physics CAS (2007), a Visiting Scholar of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden (2007) and a Visiting Scholar of University of California, Berkeley (2013-2014). Currently Dr. Yang serves as an adjunct professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University and a juror at the Beijing Intellectual Property Court.

Most of his research concerns atomic clocks and quantum technologies for precision measurement, including miniature CPT atomic clocks, satellite-based and ground-based hydrogen maser, atomic antenna, quantum navigation, etc. The related technologies and products have been applied in national major projects such as BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) and Tiangong space station.

Dr. Yang has presided over 15 scientific research projects, published more than 60 papers, and was granted 22 patents. He also co-authored one book - Principles and Applications of Atomic Clocks, and participated in more than 30 national programs. 

In 2017, he won the First Prize in Scientific and Technological Awards of National Defense. In 2018, he won Awards for Space Contribution from China Space Foundation and the First Prize in CASIC Science and Technology Progress Awards. In 2019, he won China Patent Award Gold Award as well as WIPO Prize - Outstanding Invention. In 2020, he won National Award for Outstanding Books and was eligible to enjoy Special Allowances of the State Council, PRC.


       杨仁福,博士、研究员,北京量子信息科学研究院PI,2020年国务院政府特殊津贴。中国科学院物理研究所理学博士(2007年),德国德累斯顿强磁场实验室客座学者(2007年),加州大学伯克利分校访问学者(2013-2014年)。长期致力于原子钟及量子精密测量技术研究,研究领域包括:微型CPT原子钟、氢原子钟(星载、地面)、原子天线、量子导航等,相关技术和产品应用于北斗卫星导航系统、天宫空间站等国家重大工程。已主持科研课题15项,发表论文60余篇,授权专利22项,出版《原子钟原理与应用》1书,参编国家级规划30余项。现为西安交通大学兼职教授、北京知识产权法院陪审员等。 2017年国防科技进步一等奖(团队负责人,1)、2018中国航天基金会航天贡献奖、2018年中国航天科工集团科技进步一等奖(团队负责人,2)、2019年中国专利金奖、2019年世界知识产权组织杰出专利发明奖、2020年全国输出版引进版优秀图书奖、2020年国务院政府特殊津贴。